Our Services

Activity | Start Time |
Sunday Morning Service | 8:00AM |
Sunday Main Service | 11AM |
Tuesday Service | 5:30PM |
Thursday Bible Study | 5:30PM |
We are a Quaker Church that is located in Mombasa behind Total petrol station spaki which is along Jomo Kenyatta Avenue.
We are church that has a mix of a number of known church structures. In it we find a Presbyterian form of church government where the church leadership consists of lay leaders (Presiding clerks) and the clergy (pastors); but we also find a modified kind of congregational church government. On a number of occassions, matters are not just left to the leadership, but they are brought to the congregation for endorsement.
The origin of the name Quaker has over the years been disputed. Various theories have been put forth to explain how the Religious Society of Friends got the name. There are those who hold that the name had origins in the way Quakers used to pray.In this perspective, the Quakers were said to have been a people who prayed out loud and vigorously to the extent that their bodies literally shook. Those who saw them trembling, therefore referred to them as "Quakers".
George Fox, the founder of the Friends Church was born in a little village called Fenny Drayton in England. His parents had a strong religious inclination. His father Christopher Fox was a weaver by profession while his mother Mary Fox was a house wife. George Fox's family and community at large helped him grow into a young man who was serious with the things of God. After searching for the true religion for a long time, God made a way for him and he began preaching publicly in 1647.
The first ever Quaker Monthly Meeting was set up in Nothern England from where coordination was done to reach out to the rest of England and the world. Because of the beliefs that Quakers had, coupled with the religious and political systems of the day, George Fox and many other Quakers were imprisoned.
While some died in prison, many others including George Fox came out to continue with their Quaker way.
Activity | Start Time |
Sunday Morning Service | 8:00AM |
Sunday Main Service | 11AM |
Tuesday Service | 5:30PM |
Thursday Bible Study | 5:30PM |